Sunday, January 04, 2009

Greetings All!

I hope as you're reading this, you too are ready embrace yet another fresh start with a BRAND NEW year! PEACE-OUT 2008!

Wow! What a surprising turn around these past two weeks have been. A few days before Christmas I felt like Scoorge himself, as I wasn't looking forward to an extended break with NO plans and business slower than molasses in the winter. Then was quickly reminded how tight my sister and I truly are, as we proceeded to move into our Mom's house for a WEEK STRAIGHT!

Most would say how in the world can you tolerate the "Rents" for an entire week, but through many laughs and trips down memory lane, we gladly made it through and we're bummed that it had to come to an end. (At least Toma and I were) :p

Following that week my Dad and Step-Mom we're in Orlando visting my Aunt Betty and we're eager to see Kayla so I decided to take them up on an offer to tag along and hopped on Amtrak with the kid and headed North. It was great to see everyone and spend some QT with my Pops, enjoy my wonderful Aunt B's hospitality and as most of you saw, Kayla and I had an absolute BLAST tackling 3 Disney Parks in one day. Yes we blissfully endured 13 hours of long, long lines, but worked through the wait time with great conversation and of course lots of laughs. Kayla refers to it as the best day of her life! (insert tear here) =)

At the moment we're back on the train headed South, with one more stop BACK at Moms house for one more free meal and some good NFL Football this afternoon. GO PHINS!!!

So funny how life works out, especially when we think one way, and things work out for the better the other way.

I'm not real big into New Years resolutions, but I may mix it up a bit this year and attempt to tackle a few, first of that being, taking things for face value and trying not to get ahead of today, and know that's all we really have, even if its not guaranteed.

This year I challenge all of you to go after something different, change your thought process and most importantly, don't settle!

I'll leave you with a great quote I heard a few weeks ago that spoke volumes to me...

"Everything you want in life is right outside your comfort zone."

May God bless all of you this year and bring you everything that makes you happy! =)

In His Grip,
