Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Greeting Folks!

Wow, I just caught myself, I haven't stopped to type a few words in quite some time, so I deemed it necessary update those you close and across the country on whats crackin' in good ole MIA. I hope this reaches all of you happily and in good spirits!

Let's see if I can come up with a word to sum up life for past 4 months, oh ya, HEC-TIC!!! (all one word).

Summer has just flown by. Kayla left in early June to launch her annual summer tour, it started with the Grandparents in SC for a month, then she returned to spend a few weeks with Daddy in which I conveniently placed her @ the Miami Seaquarium Summer Camp, where she splashed around with Dolphins, and fed Sea Lions smelly fish for 2 weeks.

She had a ball, but one question, where were these camps when we were kids?! I vividly remember being dropped off @ the YMCA or being babysat by my Big Sis and forced to watch Day Soaps...After the Seaquarium she headed up the pike to hang the Grandparents in Delray Beach, where she attended a day camp there and make a ton of new friends, and got a chance to spend some QT with Oma Suz and Papa Dave, those 2 weeks were also a great reminder to the Grandparents of how rigorous and challenging a 7 year old can be, they claim it was a piece of cake ;) After leaving the Grandparents, she headed around the corner to Boca Raton to hang with the Mom for a couple weeks, she had a great time, and just returned back to me Sunday, its great to have my Baby back =)

Business is coming along, my partners and I launched a Loan Modification company about 2 months that assists people with saving their home and lowering their mortgage payments, the company is called Loan Modify USA (http://www.loanmodifyusa.com/) Things are going great, yet another blessing to have the opportunity to be in business with one of my best friends on the planet! I really feel I've learned and grown so much just since I've been back in Miami, there is definitely something to be said for having an "air-tight" team.

Well unfortunately the bills don't pay themselves, so I've got to get back to what I do best.

I hope all of you are going great and I hope to see you soon. Come to Miami, its HOT HOT HOT!

Don't be stranger!

In His Grip,


"People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and, if they can't find them, make them."
-George Bernard Shaw