Greetings Friends!
I hope this note reaches you well and in good spirits. All is well in Miami. was launched in 2010 and will be taking over in 2011, thanks to all of you and all of your support! No need to bore everyone with a long drawn out blog post to simply boast about everything happening in my world, instead I thought I would share one of my favorite verses with you and short story that always makes me smile.
In addition to the verse below being the "Verse of the Day" that popped up on my screen this morning, I also read this while sitting on the beach the morning of New Years day 2007 in Corona Del Mar, CA (one of my favorite places on the planet, see pics below) as it was the "Verse of the Day" that morning as well. I was praying and reading my goals for the new year, I asked God to reveal himself in a profound way to really help me feel that He was near and to also show me that better days were ahead, the second I looked up from my Bible I saw dolphins playing around in the water, all I could do was smile, look up, and just say "Thanks" <><
I hope this note reaches you well and in good spirits. All is well in Miami. was launched in 2010 and will be taking over in 2011, thanks to all of you and all of your support! No need to bore everyone with a long drawn out blog post to simply boast about everything happening in my world, instead I thought I would share one of my favorite verses with you and short story that always makes me smile.
In addition to the verse below being the "Verse of the Day" that popped up on my screen this morning, I also read this while sitting on the beach the morning of New Years day 2007 in Corona Del Mar, CA (one of my favorite places on the planet, see pics below) as it was the "Verse of the Day" that morning as well. I was praying and reading my goals for the new year, I asked God to reveal himself in a profound way to really help me feel that He was near and to also show me that better days were ahead, the second I looked up from my Bible I saw dolphins playing around in the water, all I could do was smile, look up, and just say "Thanks" <><
“This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” - Isaiah 43:16, 18-19
May the best of your todays, be the worst of your tomorrows!
May the best of your todays, be the worst of your tomorrows!
May the Lord bless you and keep you in 2011! He has grand plans for your life!
In His Grip,